This Sunday, the Simón Bolívar 21K International Half Marathon began with the participation of more than 600 registered athletes, an event that began from Los Caobos Park at 7:00 in the morning.
This was reported by the mayor of the Bolivarian Libertador municipality of Caracas, A/J Carmen Melendezaccompanied by the Head of Government of the Capital District, Nahum Fernandez, where he highlighted that the event is part of the 445-year anniversary of the Capital City. “We are going to close today with different activities for youth and all the people who want to come to the big concert.”
The runners will pass through the Paseo de la Resistencia Indígena, Bolívar avenues, Este 6 (Plaza Diego Ibarra), pass in front of the El Calvario Stairs, San Martín Avenue, entrance to Vista Alegre, O’Higgins Avenue, Páez Avenue, Plaza Madariaga, Tarpeian Rock,
Likewise, the athletes will continue along Presidente Medina Avenue (Victoria), Los Symbolos Square, Paseo La Nacionalidad, Las Tres Gracias Square, Los Estadios Avenue, Plaza Venezuela Station and from there to the arrival point in Los Caobos Park.
Riders of the absolute categories (16 years and over), youth (16-19), free (20-29), submaster (30-39), master A (40-44), master B (45-49), Master C (50-54), Master D (55-59), Master E (60-64), Master F (65-69) and Master G (70 and over).
The categories of athletes with some type of disability that may take part are the blind (T1, 16 years and over), conventional wheelchairs (16 years and over) and aerodynamic wheelchairs (16 years and over), information from the Ccs City web portal.
The Simón Bolívar 21K Half Marathon started with great emotion from Parque Los Caobos, with more than 600 competitors, on this closing day of the 455th anniversary of Caracas #VenezuelaSeRespect
– Carmen Meléndez (@gestionperfecta) July 31, 2022