The policies that will not be maintained in the Petro government

The policies that will not be maintained in the Petro government

The junction commission warns what are the ppraybranches or projects of the outgoing administration that are not aligned with the initiatives of the Petro government. In the list, much of it has to do with the tourism sector.

(Details by sectors of the Duque – Petro junction).

He mentions the Promotion of legal and fair trade, the Compra Lo Nuestro program and the plan called Turismo Nuevo Petroléoas well as tourism infrastructure projects.

Likewise, it recommends that they not follow the plan of the special economic zones, the dissolution program of non-operating companies and the Orange Economy policy. He also mentions for this sector in ‘red light’ the risk of Fiducoldex due to the Fiduprevisora ​​Merger.

Other actions

In the other short-term actions suggested by the Joint Commission, the importance of “Guide the promotion of the country brand as a world power of life to strengthen industry, commerce and tourism.”

Likewise, the junction commission points out that work must be done on a restructuring of the relationship between the Ministry and the attached entities with civil society, unions, chambers of commerce, academia, communities and the region.


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