La senadora frenteamplista, Amanda Della Ventura, provocó el enojo del Partido Nacional usando una camiseta que recuerda a los detenidos desaparecidos.

The PN protested because the FA senator wore a t-shirt that commemorates the disappeared detainees

The Frente Amplio senator, Amanda Della Ventura, provoked the anger of the National Party by wearing a t-shirt that commemorates the disappeared detainees.
The Frente Amplio senator, Amanda Della Ventura, provoked the anger of the National Party by wearing a t-shirt that commemorates the disappeared detainees.

Senators from the National Party left a record in this Wednesday’s session of the Chamber of Senators, because Senator Amanda Della Ventura, from the Broad Front, presided over the chamber temporarily wearing a t-shirt that says “we are all relatives”, in commemoration of the disappeared detainees victims of state terrorism.

“You have every right to enter the room with the shirt you see fit, we have never placed any consideration or condition in that regard,” the nationalist senator Gustavo Penadés began by saying. “At the moment that you become president of the Senate, you are representing us all. The National Party bench wants to record, without raising the tone, that you are not representing us all in this waythat you have every right in any part of the enclosure, inside it, in the only place where you cannot do it is presiding over the Senate of the Republic”, added the white legislator.

The senator also from the National Party, the ultra-conservative Graciela Bianchi, was another of those who protested on behalf of her bench for the shirt, since they understood that decorum is violated and “misconduct” is incurred.

“Can’t we manifest freedom of expression?”

The Frente Amplio senator, Charles Carrera Leal, responded that there is no violation of parliamentary decorum with an expression on the shirt because it says “we are all relatives.”

“We do not read it that way, and that is why we would like you to send us the article of the regulation (of Parliament) or of the Constitution of the Republic that establishes it that way,” added the legislator.

“Who do we represent? we represent citizens. Where is it that we do not have the right to freedom of expression? Can’t we manifest? We do not share or accept in any way that Senator Graciela Bianchi talks about the ‘misconduct’ of a colleague on my bench; I do not accept it from someone who is an example of misconduct in this national Parliament”, she concluded.

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