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The magic of Martín Karadagian and his Titans to share between parents and children

The magic of Martín Karadagian and his Titans to share between parents and children

The Red Knight, Cucumber and the Mummies (Black and White), present at the opening of the exhibition. Photo: Alfredo Luna.

Paulina Karadagian, daughter of the creator of the mythical “Titans in the ring”, assures that the passion for catch and the endearing characters of the television series is transmitted as an oral tradition. next to her, Billy Jim, one of the members of the original troupe who now directs the new titans, is amazed that boys who have never seen Karadagian fight chant his name at the shows.

Nevertheless, until August 25. that legacy that is shared within Argentine families ceases to be a construction of words and is materialized in an exhibition that opened in El Obrador Centro Creativo, located in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Congreso. It can be seen with free admission as a double celebration: the 100th anniversary of Martín’s birth, which was completed on April 30, and the 60th anniversary of the television series that began on March 3, 1962.

The room (in Bartolomé Miter 1670) brings together unpublished material, costumes, photos, videos and merchandising, ranging from the complete collection of dolls of the characters that came with the Jack chocolates, to the clothing of David the Shepherd, the Mummy and the Red Knight.

There are also board games, decks of cards, figurines and albums from various eras, the movies that the Titans starred in, gathered from loans from the Museo del Cine and several fanatical collectors, eager to share their treasures with the followers of the program that turned the wrestling at a show. On the show’s agenda they promise that there will be visits, surprises, and the screening of the two fighters’ films.

The sample details. Photo: Alfredo Luna.

The inauguration was attended by the collectors, Paulina, Billy Jean and four of the titans: Cucumber the Clown, the Red Knight, the Black Mummy and the White Mummy that delighted the audience and made them sing wildly: “Titans in the ring//Today they face each other again//With their muscles of steel//And the power of their unparalleled strength”.

The legacy of Titans in the Ring.

The exhibition with the memories of the Martín Karadagian troupe can be visited from Tuesday to Friday, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., until August 25. Entrance is free and open.

Where? In the Rueca Room. The Workhouse. Bartholomew Miter 1670 CABA.

“This is a way to honor Dad and the show and keep them alive. And this celebration continues with a show with the new troupe”, synthesized Paulina, Martín’s daughter, who shares in the exhibition photos from her family album and unpublished images of the Titan and his boys. “Titans is Disney- synthesizes Billy Jim next to him-It always generates something else. In this case, an exhibition that brings together fans of all ages”.

Two historical the Red Knight and Cucumber the Clown Photo Alfredo Luna
Two historical, the Red Knight and Cucumber, the Clown. Photo: Alfredo Luna.

Hand in hand with his five-year-old daughter Louisana, Luis Giorgis agrees with him. He walks around the room and points out some of the objects that he brought from his house in the Santa Fe town of Cañada de Gómez. “I am not in favor of fanaticism, but I have liked Titanes since before I was born since my mother, who was from Buenos Aires, went to see Karadagian at Luna Park. When my dad bought his first television, he premiered it watching “Titans in the ring.” That is why I began to collect their things, and, over time, I was also able to meet them. I have great treasures and it is very nice to share them as I do with my daughter who watches the 1973 movie with me.”

The curator of the exhibition, the journalist and theater director Pablo Gorlero, tries to put into words the fascination that the program generated and still generates in people: “Titans not only represented the combat between good and evil. It had magic. He dribbled the vituperation of the dictatorship, captivated both adults and children, aspired to a certain didactic claim and secured eternal glory. Martín, El Caballero Rojo, Pepino, el Ancho Peucelle, el Leopardo, el Pibe 10 and el Androide are bearers of a mystique that caresses eternity”.

The Mummy and the memory of the titan Martn Photo Alfredo Luna
The Mummy and the memory of the titan Martín. Photo: Alfredo Luna.

Federico Recagno, the director of El Obrador, could not escape from that magic, who He had the luxury of celebrating his 40th birthday with all his friends dressed up as the Titans characters. He was given the highest honor: recounting the Double Nelson and the Shorts that the fighters exchanged. “How does one translate memories and bring them into the present? He passes them through the heart. It is seen in the people who are here embracing the fighters, as if embracing their history because they are things that we want to transmit to the next generations. Because they made us happy”, he synthesizes, glued to the ring where the Mummy, the deaf and dumb fighter rehearses his best blows.

One of those who multiplied the “selfies” with the fighters was Ariel, who prefers to keep his last name, because he left work early so he wouldn’t miss the event. He recounts each of her images to her wife via WhatsApp audio and promises to return to her to show her every detail of her. “I am from 1973 and at that time all We grew up with the program, the cartoons, the letters, the records with the songs, that I have stored in a drawer, but above all in my heart. Even today I get to see two fights of the Titans per day on YouTube”, he assured. He also remembers that she met Martín at the metropolitan airport in 1983 and the Titan shook her hand. “He was a great guy, a fighter for life. He was and will be my idol”says excitedly while pointing to the ring that is in a place in the exhibition and remembers that together with his brothers they built theirs with laundry ropes and a Palette quilt on the floor.

Paulina the daughter of Karadagian who follows his legacy Photo Alfredo Luna
Paulina, Karadagian’s daughter who follows his legacy. Photo: Alfredo Luna.

“This exhibition is intended to be a journey. Not only to the universe of Titans in the Ring, but to our childhoodto ourselves, when we drank coffee with milk in front of the television”, invites Gorlero to what seems to be the best plan to do as a family during the winter holidays”.

Double celebration

Just as in May the troupe celebrated the 60th anniversary of the titans with “Titans in the Ring diamond edition”, on July 31 comes “Titans in the Ring Titanium edition”, where legends such as the Red Knight, the Mummy, the Black Mummy and the Ice Bar Man join the new generation of titans in which there are men and women, both fighting and refereeing. Tickets are available at

The organizers promise that, just as “El Androide” reappeared in the May show after 40 years, in this new edition another character from the past will appear to excite the public.

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