The Government Spokesperson Minister, Camila Vallejoruled out on Tuesday the filing of a complaint against the leader of the Coordinadora Arauco Malleco (CAM), Hector Llaitulafter insisting on sabotage actions against forestry companies.
“Our priority is to channel violence into sabotage, into very well-directed sabotage. Towards supplies, towards machinery and for that (…) what the media should portray is that we respect the workers”, said the CAM leader in an interview with Werken News.
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Before Llaitul’s statements, Minister Vallejo ruled out that the Executive present a complaint. “The Public Ministry is already undergoing an investigation, as a result of the fact that the Government of Chile is already a complainant regarding the actions of the CAM,” she said in conversation with CNNChile.
“We hope that we will have results of all the facts that constitute crimes both in La Araucanía, and throughout the country,” added the Secretary of State.
Abbott Sayings
Vallejo was also consulted about the statements of the national prosecutor, George Abbott, who stated that the Public Ministry already has an ongoing investigation against Llaitul by Law of Internal Security of the State. However, for new expertise, on more recent events, the filing of a complaint by the Government is required.
“The truth is that it is required, in order to investigate under the State Security Law, a complaint, a complaint by the Government,” said the persecutor.
In this regard, the Government spokeswoman commented that “we have established a position and in this there are no changes in this regard, there is an ongoing investigation, there are complaints filed and we hope that regarding these crimes or possible crimes, the Prosecutor’s Office will determine the actions (…) There is an ongoing investigation and we hope that justice advances in that direction”.