The Ministry of Health of the province of Buenos Aires communicated this Wednesday five recommendations “of a preliminary nature to the health teams” to care for people who are entering the emergency system with a history of recent cocaine use.
In a statement titled “Adulterated Cocaine Intoxication – Probable Opioid Intoxication”the health portfolio gave the following recommendations:
*Suspect intoxication by adulterated cocaine, against any person who in the last 24 hours has ingested cocaine and presents any of the following signs and symptoms: respiratory distress, bradypnea, seizures, miosis, sensory depression, paresthesias, psychomotor arousal.
*The use of FLUMAZENIL is not recommended in these cases.
*Evaluate the administration of NALOXONE as an antidote.
*Request coagulogram and evaluate coagulation disorders for eventual treatment.
* Immediately notify the Provincial Toxicology Center (CEPROTOX) for advice and guidance.
CEPROTOX contact information
At the same time, the Ministry urged health personnel in contact with these patients to “immediately notify the Provincial Toxicology Center (Ceprotox) for advice and guidance.”
And he remembered that the Cetropox provides 24-hour telephone assistance365 days a year through the telephone lines: 0800-2229911 or 2216693243, also through the mail: [email protected]