“I leave very grateful to TODO@S those who in some way make up the quality infrastructure system (sic)”, Alfonso Guati wrote in the message.
I concluded my cycle at the head of the General Directorate of Standards of the Ministry of Economy. I leave very grateful to EVERYONE who somehow makes up the Quality Infrastructure System and satisfied with the duty fulfilled for the benefit of my country.
– Alfonso Guati Rojo (@A_GuatiRojo)
May 31, 2022
Among the work in which Guati Rojo participated as general director of standards are the modifications to the Official Mexican Standard (NOM) NOM-SCFI/SSA1-2010, related to the labeling with warning seals in food and beverages, it also prohibited the use of characters such as Gansito de Marinela or Tigre Toño de Zucaritas.
Alfonso Guati is a lawyer from the Universidad Iberoamericana, graduated with honors, with specialties in procedural, commercial and protection law from the Universidad Panamericana.
In May 2015, he arrived at Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), where he held the contentious legal and administrative portfolio subdirectorate.