Edward Murillo
Newspaper La Jornada
Monday, August 29, 2022, p. 13
Today, the plenary session of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) will begin to analyze the constitutionality of the so-called hearing rights
which, among other things, oblige radio and television stations to strictly differentiate their opinion content from news, an issue on which the Minister President, Arturo Zaldívar, has expressed doubts as to whether these provisions limit the right to free expression.
These are the actions of alleged unconstitutionality 150/2017 and 153/2017 promoted by minority senators and by the PRD against the reform of the Federal Telecommunications and Broadcasting Law (LFTYR) enacted on October 31, 2017.
The issue has already been addressed, but in rooms. On January 19, the first chamber of the constitutional court resolved an injunction requested by the Center for Strategic Litigation for the Defense of Human Rights, where it basically eliminated the power that concessionaires had to create and apply their own codes of ethics and reestablished the obligation to differentiate news from opinions in their broadcasts.
The criteria of this agreement could be changed by the plenary session of the SCJN, according to Zaldívar.
It seems to me that it is a very important issue, because it also has to do with freedom of expression, because, in addition, it places other media at a disadvantage, for example, social networks do not have this issue, neither do the printed media, but radio and television yes, how far does opinion go, how far does information go? To what extent can the information be absolutely objective?
he pointed out in recent days at one of his press conferences.