Home South AmericaBolivia The ANH says that there are 35 million liters of fuel and that 152,000 LPG bottles are shipped per day for internal consumption

The ANH says that there are 35 million liters of fuel and that 152,000 LPG bottles are shipped per day for internal consumption

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The ANH says that there are 35 million liters of fuel and that 152,000 LPG bottles are shipped per day for internal consumption

June 17, 2024, 11:30 AM

June 17, 2024, 11:30 AM

The National Hydrocarbons Agency (ANH) reported that the country has 1,000 tankers with 35 million liters of diesel and gasoline for the supply of gasoline and diesel. In addition, the entity assured that up to 152,000 bottles of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) are shipped daily.

For several days, long lines of vehicles have been recorded in the country at different pumps in search of fuel, and queues have also been reported at LPG distributors. The state Fiscal Oilfields Bolivianos (YPFB) and the ANH indicated that both phenomena are due to the excess demand for both products.

Germán Jiménez, executive director of the ANH, reported that in the national territory there are more than 217 tankers entering with more than 7.5 million liters of diesel. Abroad, there are another 10 million liters, which is equivalent to almost 300 cisterns, and at the border, to enter, there are almost 100 cisterns.

In all, he said, There are 600 tankers that are equivalent to 20 million liters of diesel. He argued that this data contradicts the statements of opposition politicians who indicate that there is no fuel because the country stopped paying suppliers.


Regarding gasoline, the ANH reported that it has already imported 6,200 cubic meters, equivalent to almost 170 tankers. Outside there are 5,000 cubic meters, equivalent to 150 cisterns. On the border there are around 20 cisterns, which are a thousand cubic meters, equivalent to 12 million liters.

Adding both, there are 34 million liters that are entering the storage plants for distribution in the local market.

He stated that, to avoid lines at the pumps, yesterday Sunday the distribution plants were opened in an extraordinary manner and They managed to deliver almost 2.7 million liters of gasoline and diesel to service stations.

Regarding LPG, the ANH reported that 152,000 cylinders of Petroleum liquid gas (LPG) per day. Until June, an increase of 500,000 bottles is projected, a product of speculation and “political war,” Jiménez said.

“Today, as a result of this war that is taking place, we are shipping 152,000 bottles, If the pace of 152,000 bottles in June perseveres, we will have an increase of almost 500,000 bottles this monthThat is, 500,000 bottles that are increasing as a result of speculation,” he said.

During the 2023 administration, 125,000 bottles were shipped and this increased during the winter season, to almost 134,000 per day.

This year, By the beginning of May, distribution reached 138,000 bottles, which is almost 10% above the amount for the 2023 administration, according to official information.

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