Nicaraguan Jaqueling Libeth Florez is always smiling and enthusiastic in her videos, where her charisma and expressive eyes complete the excellent communication skills with which she has so far captivated some 54,300 subscribers on her YouTube channel. “Adventures with Jaqui”.
Originally from Nueva Guinea and a resident of Costa Rica for 14 years, she publishes at least one video every week on the YouTube platform, where her followers increase every day.
Her phone, a small microphone and her particular ingenuity are the resources she uses to record her videos that are already generating income, she can even access credits in the country that welcomed her.
“I finally bought a house in Costa Rica”, he said in a video that in a month has reached 405,000 views on his YouTube channel.
The 31-year-old says that it all started as a hobby. “I really liked recording videos so they could be saved on the internet and later it became just another job,” she says.
In the content of her videos, Jaqui recounts her experiences in the places she visits, which includes several Central American countries, mainly Nicaragua and Costa Rica, although she also has videos about some trips to Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Mexico.
“In case you are pretty and now you look super, greetings from Mexico. You always make beautiful, very natural, original videos, ”says follower Nabor Mata in a message left for Jaqui on his YouTube channel. The follower responded like this to his video titled ‘I feel different, I changed my look’.
Jaqui explains that she does not follow any technique or have any secrets to produce her videos, but just tries to be spontaneous and natural and that has allowed her to gain more and more followers.
“I just try to be me,” says Jaqui. “In my channel I have never pretended to be what I am not or pretend to be what I do not have, I am just an adventurer at heart and I venture into many things, I love knowing new places, I love the agricultural part very much, I have many videos on my channel about agriculture,” he says.
your video “This is how cassava is harvested in Costa Rica“has nearly half a million views on YouTube.
The young youtuber also presents content on Nicaraguan culture.
“So that people know how we are, that human and beautiful part that we have because not only bad people (…) there are very good people and life stories,” he says.
How did the idea of the videos come about?
At the beginning not everything was easy for Jacqui. He says that after several bad experiences he had in some jobs, he set up a virtual store that was going ahead, but still not sufficiently sustainable, until about six months after having implemented the venture.
“I have always said that Costa Ricans are pure life, the majority. But in the labor part, most of the experiences were bad treatment. They laughed a lot because of my accent, they made fun of my way of speaking, and they discriminated against me a lot for being Nicaraguan,” he recalled.
He assures that for that reason he undertook. Then the idea of making videos first came from his passion for recording himself. “Since I was little I have liked cameras. I said I wanted to be on television and I didn’t study journalism because I love business administration, but I like it a lot, I’ve always liked to record videos, record every moment I live and that’s where the idea came from, ”he explains.
Jaqui comments that at the beginning the videos did not have as many views as today, but about two years ago they began to increase thanks to an account she opened in tik tok, and that gave the channel a boost, until it was monetized.
Now he says that he spends more time making videos to satisfy his viewers, although he admits that “it requires a lot of money, time, effort”.
“There we go little by little. I bought that house, I’m paying for it. Partly it was thanks to the savings of years of my work, and now part also due to the income from YouTube. I say that those who are supporting me are the people who watch my videos, my content. Thanks to them I have been able to grow and really without the support of the people none of this would be possible”, says Jaqui.
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