The price of Texas Oil Intermediate (WTI) rose 1.8% today and stood at 88.11 dollars a barrel, thus breaking on a losing streakafter what USA will show a descent a lot higher than expected in crude oil inventories thanks to the strong increase of exports.
At the end of the operations in the Stock Exchange New York Mercantile (Nymex)the futures contracts of the WTI for delivery in September they added 1.58 dollars with respect to the previous close.
The commercial stocks of crude USA 7.1 million barrels fell in the week ending August 12, up to 425 million barrelsaccording to Energy Information Administration (EIA).
Meanwhile, exports of US crude reached 5 million barrels per day, also according to the EIAthe highest ever recorded.
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Earlier this week, the black gold price fell by below 90 dollars a barrel due to fear of a recession after meeting bad economic data from the main buyer of black gold china.
In addition, the energy market is very attentive to an agreement that could allow more oil exports Iranian.
Negotiations to salvage the 2015 nuclear pact between Iran and Germany, France, the UK, Russia, China and the United States, indirectly, appear to be close to a successful conclusion.
futures contracts for natural gas for september lost 8 cents on the dollarup to 9.24 Dollars, and those of gasoline with expiration on same monthumarum 3 cents, up 2.93 dollars a gallon.