More changes in the Santa Cruz Mayor’s Office. The Municipal Secretariat of Human Development changes its mind again. Teresa Góngora is no longer in office, which was involved in alleged cases of nepotism and usurpation of functions. This Thursday afternoon, the councilor for the Autonomous Community (CA), Federico Morón, announced through his social networks that “The Mayor’s Office made her resign” and that in her place would enter the former director of Transparency, Adriana Pedraza.
At night, on a visit to the Municipal Hostel, Adriana Pedraza, who until yesterday served as director of Transparency, attended for the first time in the position left by Góngora.
“In the Mayor’s Office they made the Secretary of Human Development resign, why was Jhonny? Good luck in the new position Adriana Pedraza”, wrote Councilman Morón.
In a telephone contact with EL DEBER, Morón said that he considers that the change is due to the allegations of usurpation of functions and the recent case about the eviction of Hogar Cuatro Vientoshowever, demanded that Mayor Jhonny Fernández provide a specific explanation for this determination.
“It is something that the mayor has to clarify for us, it is important that he tell us the reason why It is not just removing officials, the reasons must be explained and made transparent with the population”Moron noted.
Along the same lines, the vice president of the Municipal Council, Lola Terrazas, indicated that she was aware of the change of authorities through social networks and it seems to him a wise decision due to the “lack of incidence and management in social policies”.
the councilwoman welcomes the appointment of Pedraza as the new secretary of Human Development because he already knows how the public administration works and expects him to do a job according to the expectations of the position.
“We hope that with this new secretary, this city feels that there is a technical instance to guarantee development”he added.
He also stated that the Council carried out a request for reports to the Executive on the multiple complaints against Góngorabut to date the results are not known.
Teresa Góngora assumed the position of secretary in January, after the municipality dismissed Rashid Guard for a leaked audio where he expressed himself in a misogynistic way against a member of a Jhonny Fernández campaign group.
Hopes were pinned on Góngora so that he can direct that portfolio of the municipality, but a few months after his appointment became the target of criticism from opposition councillors, who accuse her of allowing her son to make decisions within their officeswithout being a public official.
At the time, former secretary Góngora denied that the accusations were true and said that they were political attacks by the councilors who sought to discredit her.