Organizations aligned with Peronism targeted this Thursday against “some leaders” for “distort The words of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner on the management of social plans and make a “light reading” of their statements, accompanied by “profound ignorance” regarding the public policies that were applied during his government period, between 2007 and 2015.
It has become a national sport misrepresent Cristina’s words. Make her say things she doesn’t say, make her confront who she doesn’t confront. That the hegemonic media do it is not surprising, it is a custom installed since Cristina was elected president in 2007. That this function is now undertaken by some leaders of organizations of the national project is an unusual gravity“, says the statement.
The document was presented by the Loyalty Militant Current, Peronist Current April 13the Federation of Social Economy Workers (Fetraes), Descamisados and the Federation of Worker Cooperatives of the Province of Buenos Airesamong other.
It was recalled that the vice president’s speech lasted “75 minutes” and, in this sense, “reducing such exposure to a supposed attack on social organizations seems like a light reading, of a deep ignorance about the public policies that were applied while Cristina was president of this country and about a misrepresentation of the vice president’s sayings”.
Social organizations and the distribution of wealth | Better than saying is doing ?– Loyalty Militant Current (@CM_Lealtad) June 23, 2022
In this way they referred to the speech delivered on Monday by Vice President Fernández de Kirchner during a plenary session of the CTA in Avellaneda, where he considered that “the national State must regain control, audit, and application of social policies, which cannot continue to be outsourced“.
In addition, the statement highlighted that “social movements have a place of transcendence in our country”, which consists of repairing and assisting “where the State does not assist or contain, which are organizations that protect vast sectors of our People in situations of hunger and need”.
“We are part of those popular organizations whose origin was the inequalities and the 90s planned misery and of macrismo“, remarked the signatory groups, among which are also the Transversal, National and Popular Front; the November 17 Group; the National Current of Militancy; Piquetera Unit; National and Popular Current May 25; Lxs Unbreakable; the Front Social Peronist and Kolina.
OF WEALTH | Better than saying is doing ✌???Link to full statement ⤵️
– FetraesArgentina (@FetraesA) June 23, 2022
The text also recalled that social organizations are “a consequence of the disastrous economic policies of neoliberalism and the right in our country”, against which the governments of Néstor and Cristina Kirchner “fought and confronted”, when debating “how to distribute wealth”. .
“The problem is not a lack of work and impoverished wages, but the way in which the wealth generated by the country is distributed. This is the real combat of Cristina’s speech that social and union organizations should claim. It is essential to create conditions of decent work, both for workers in the formal economy and for workers in the social economy,” they assured.
The document was also signed by Identidad, Organized Militant Peronism, La 20, Unidos y Organizadas, the National Confederation of Worker Cooperatives and the Collective Force.