Workers born in November can withdraw emergency aid

Single parents receive R$4.1 billion in retroactive emergency aid

Single parents who received the first five installments of emergency aid in 2020 will receive retroactive payment. President Jair Bolsonaro signed today (24) provisional measure with an extraordinary credit of R$ 4.1 billion for the Ministry of Citizenship to pay old installments in double after the overthrow of a veto by the National Congress in June this year.Single parents receive R$4.1 billion in retroactive emergency aid

In July of last year, Bolsonaro had vetoed a bill authored by opposition deputies that extended to the one-parent family provider the receipt of double the emergency aid created during the covid-19 pandemic. With the veto, only single female heads of household received installments of R$1,200 (double the original amount of R$600).

On July 1 of this year, the National Congress, in a joint session, overturned the veto. Until now, the government had not commented on the issue, but the provisional measure (MP) confirmed the expansion of the benefit.

“With the edition of the MP, the Brazilian State reiterates its efforts to guarantee the regular offer of services and programs aimed at the population in general, especially the most vulnerable, providing public agencies and agents with access to instruments capable of mitigating the harmful effects of pandemic on Brazilian society”, informed the Palácio do Planalto in a statement.

The measure is only valid for the first five installments of emergency aid paid in 2020. The four installments of emergency aid extension of R$300, paid from September to December of last year, and the seven installments paid this year will not have retroactive payments.

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