Home South AmericaPeru Sexual rapes in Manta and Vilca: soldiers who attacked 9 women are sentenced

Sexual rapes in Manta and Vilca: soldiers who attacked 9 women are sentenced

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Sexual rapes in Manta and Vilca: soldiers who attacked 9 women are sentenced

Ten soldiers were sentenced to sentences between 6 and 12 years in prison for the sexual violations against 9 women in the towns of Manta and Vilcacommitted within the framework of the internal armed conflict, considering that they committed crimes against humanity.

The Chamber evaluated the testimonies of the victims, witnesses, psychological experts, among others, which generated in the judges the conviction that The Army troops subjected them to sexual assaults at different timessince the base was installed in 1984 until 1994.

The victims were between 14 and 25 years old when they were subjected to sexual violations by Army troops. who – the judges pointed out – lived in a context of terror. In some cases they suffered collective violations.


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The president of the Chamber, Judge René Martínez Castro, recounted the testimonies of the affected women, such as the case Magda SC, whom soldier Rufino Donato Rivera raped in 1984 in her own home. He took her out to take her to the base to give her statement, but on the way he attacked her, making her her partner from then on.s. She accepted out of fear. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Another case is that of Maura GA, who was violated in her home by soldier Vicente Yance in 1985. She had to accept because he threatened to gang rape her.. The same aggressor raped other young women, including María AE, whom he followed to his home. Yance was also sentenced to 10 years.

Maura G. was again a victim of rape in 1986, on that occasion by Epifanio Delfín Quiñonez Loyola, known as Captain Papilón, inside the Manta base. He received a sentence of 10 years.

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The judge reported that in 1985 the cash Sabino Valentín Rutti and a soldier under his command raped Teresa AB and her niece María AE when they went to the military detachment to ask for permission to travel to Pampas. While they were raping them, they called them “terruca.” Rutti was sentenced to 12 years.

María A. was violated later that same year, when she was forced to enter the military installation to participate in a “party.” They forced her to drink alcohol until she lost consciousness, and when she woke up she was naked and in pain. A soldier told him: everyone has passed through you.

For these and other testimonies, The judges indicated that the violence committed against the women of Manta occurred in a systematic and widespread manner, which meets the requirement of against humanity..

Two of those convicted, Raúl Ángel Pinto Ramos and Arturo Hernán Cimarra García, were found responsible as primary accomplices for being in charge of the base and not sanctioning the troops under their command. They were sentenced to 10 years in prison. The Prosecutor’s Office appealed because they considered the sentences too low, since they requested between 18 and 20 years.

For his part, the lawyer of the Legal Defense Institute (IDL), Juan José Quispestressed the value of this ruling that recognizes the seriousness of the events.

“The sentence is important because for the Court they are crimes against sexual freedom and indemnity in accordance with national law, but due to the form and circumstance, as well as the systematicity, because occurred in the period from 1984 to 1994 as a State policy when they were executed by the military, they constitute crimes against humanity in accordance with the Rome Statute. We will demand that a reward be placed on those convicted so that they are captured and serve their sentence,” he said.

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