The Minister of Security of the Province of Buenos Aires, sergio berni, confirmed that he was traveling aboard the helicopter that was observed on the beaches of Villa Gesell and that he received harsh criticism for flying low.
The ship of Buenos Aires official was captured in the “Pleno Sol” spa and, due to the wind generated by the blades, several of the umbrellas of the families present were seen flying. sergio berni He was forced to explain what had happened.
In the images it is seen how the ship lowers and gets quite close to those present, which it kicked up the sand and blew up some beach umbrellas and vacationers’ belongings. In accordance with sergio berni, tried to intervene in a dangerous situation.
Although in social networks many people expressed their discomfort at what happened, the security minister He explained that the approach of the ship was after observing a group of almost 400 young people, who apparently were in a confrontation.
In the tumult it seemed that there was a fight and when we got closer we saw that they were fighting and when we got closer we saw that they were dancing.
sergio berni He spoke about it in a local television medium after being questioned about his maneuver. He explained that he was traveling in the back of the aircraft that was piloted by a member of the Police.

The helicopter was also observed in Mar del Plata
The helicopter carrying sergio berni He toured several well-known spas with a large influx of people during the vacation period, as a way of marking his presence and guaranteeing the safety of tourists.
The aircraft was seen in the area of the Punta Mogotes resorts in Mar del Plata, where it was also passed a few meters from the vacationers, although on this occasion no incidents were observed with the umbrellas.

The Axel Kicillof official assured that crimes fell drastically in the summer areas and it was thanks to the security devices implemented by the authorities.