The Minister of Education, Marco Antonio Ávila, was part -as usual- of a mixed commission in Congress to refer to the management of the new public education system and the implementation of the Local Public Education Services (SLEP), which will now be administered by the establishments instead of the municipalities as sustainers.
In this sense, and after listening to the explanations of Minister Ávila, Senator Yasna Provoste (DC), summoned the Secretary of State and stated that “blaming the previous government when they have been in government for 13 months is a little too much.” “The worst thing that can happen to education is to start trying to justify itself in such a mediocre way,” she said.
“I attend with very little hope, because many of these issues have been known and have been reported for months. And I think that the investigation, which has already begun by the Prosecutor’s Office in the Atacama Local Education Service, will end faster, because it does not there is a response from the Ministry of Education,” said Provoste.
“The public education crisis is much more widespread than what this commission wants to present,” added Senator Provoste.
Finally, the Christian Democrat parliamentarian said that “the worst thing that can happen to us is that things are said here that do not correspond to reality. When last week we asked about insufficient schools, the minister was categorical in saying ‘there are five in the whole country’ and only in Atacama there is much more than what the minister pointed out here”.
“Let it now be pointed out that whatever debts occurred, in the case of Barrancas, Cerro Navia and San Fernando, were precisely in the middle of the processing of the law. Because it was established in the law, deducting from the municipal common fund. The SLEP does not pay. Let’s not say things that are not. This is basic,” Provoste said.