He Military hospital It is one of the most important hospitals in Chile. It serves officials (and family members) of the Armed Forces (attached to Capredena), as well as those affiliated with Fonasa, Isapre or individuals.
Like every year, the Military hospital shared the vacancies available to cover and the salaries that each professional can receive.
What are the vacancies at the Military Hospital?
The vacancies to be filled in the Military hospital are the following:
- Imaging technician.
- Central sterilization TENS.
- Pediatric TENS: $872,070.
- TENS medical surgical.
- TENS emergency service: $950,584.
- TENS nuclear medicine: $798,065.
- Head of clinical engineering section.
- Medical technologist in nuclear medicine: $2,531,647.
- TENS polyclinic service: $745,000.
- Service assistant.
- TENS imaging in the pavilion.
How to apply for Military Hospital vacancies?
To apply for available vacancies in the Military hospitalinterested parties must enter the website Trabajondo.com and enter the section of said hospital.
If interested in a vacancy, the user must click on the box to find out the description of the position, the requirements to apply for it, the desired profile and, in some cases, the income offered.
The next step will be to click on the “Apply” button and log in to the platform. Those who do not have an account can create one using their personal and contact information.

If you are selected for the position, most job offers require the presentation of different certificates (background, birth, AFP, Isapre, degree and specialty, among others), along with a photocopy of the identity card and the updated resume.