At the request of Enrique Bacchetta, national senator for the ANR, the Upper House approved the postponement of three bills that are related to the fight against organized crime and corruption in public office. It is about the law of banking secrecy, the “revolving door” and the one that incorporates the hired killer in the Penal Code.
In point 5, the bill that modifies article number 7, subsection “e” of law 6104/18 that modifies and expands law 489/95 “Organic of the Central Bank of Paraguay” should be dealt with. While in point 5.1 the project that modifies articles 6 and 7 of law 489/95 modified by article 1 of law 6104/2018 that modifies and expands law 489/95 “Organic of the Central Bank of the Paraguay”. Both projects were postponed for 15 days. Both initiatives seek to standardize bank secrecy and are promoted by Senator Jorge Querey of the Guasu Front.
Point 6 should deal with the bill that “Prevents conflict of interest in the public function.” This project was postponed for 21 days. The initiative is promoted by Derlis Osorio, a national senator for the ruling party.
Finally, in point 8, the project that “Incorporates the punishable act of hired assassins into the Penal Code” should be addressed. It was postponed for eight days. It is promoted by Stephan Rasmussen, Georgia Arrúa, Fidel Zavala, Fernando Silva Facetti, Enrique Bacchetta, Eusebio Ramón Ayala, Enrique Riera and Jorge Querey.