The Senate approved today (26) a project that provides priority in the care of companions of the elderly, pregnant women, lactating women, people with infants and obese people. This priority may be exercised when accompanying the holders of such benefit. The project goes to presidential sanction.
For the author of the text, Deputy Alexandre Leite (União-SP), the project is necessary because, according to him, the lack of priority extension to the companions of the holders of this right can cause the assisted person to be separated from their companions. . Currently, priority service in public offices and public service concessionaires, financial institutions, public places and restrooms and public transport vehicles is guaranteed by law, but it does not deal with companions.
“It is of little use for the holder of the right to be attended quickly if he needs to wait for the companion and the separation between them can leave physically or psychologically helpless the person to whom priority is expressly recognized”, said the rapporteur of the project in the Senate, Fabiano Contarato (PT -ES).
The project also tries to avoid undue and abusive investment, in which the companion uses the assisted person only to have access to priority care. Thus, the text conditions the extension of priority to companions only when this is essential for the application of legal priority.