The Ministry of the Environment will promote, on Tuesday (14), the I National Seminar on the Protection and Welfare of Dogs and Cats – Actions and Perspectives. The event will be held in the auditorium of Ibama, in Brasília, and aims to discuss initiatives from federal, state and municipal governments, the Legislative Power and civil society and private sector entities related to the care of these animals.
According to the ministry, the number of abandoned and abused dogs and cats in a vulnerable situation has grown a lot during the pandemic. The World Health Organization estimates that there are about 20 million dogs and 10 million cats loose on the country’s streets that, in addition to being mistreated, can also transmit diseases and affect the environment.
At the seminar, proposals to circumvent the problem will be addressed, such as population control of dogs and cats through castration in clinics or mobile units, veterinary care in hospitals, microchipping, vaccination campaigns against zoonoses, responsible custody, incentives for adoption and training. partnerships between government agencies and shelters and homes maintained by civil society.
“Fighting the problem is fundamental, but even more important is preventing it from happening. For this, it is necessary to do a whole work of responsible guarding awareness, educational campaigns so that people adopt all the care with their dogs and cats. It’s no use taking a one-off action without society embracing this cause”, says Bernardo Broetto, head of the MMA’s National Coordination for Animal Protection and Defense (CGPRO).