Mercados de San Juan lucen abarrotados de productos

San Juan markets look crowded with products

Despite the increases in the prices of agricultural inputs recorded in recent months, the two markets, located on Eusebio Puello and Anacaona streets, all the days look packed with food products from the countryside.

And not only those markets, but dozens of trucks, vans and the so-called egg cups, are observed mobile and fixed in different streets here, also full of all the main foods from the field for street sale.

In a tour of both squares and the main commercial arteries of this municipality, and sectors outlying areas such as Corbanos Sur, Corban North, Liberation Villa Los Mojadosamong others, dozens of food items sales stalls were also observed in vehicles, despite the fact that those with the highest consumption have increased their prices.

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Even in the markets of Eusebio Puello and Anacaona, you can see an appreciable amount of musaceae, plantains, bananas, sweet potatoes and cassava, both ripe and in the process of being discarded, due to the fact that the offers are exceeding the demand.

In addition to bananas and bananas, these markets are full of yams, sweet potatoes, cassava, auyama, abundant amounts of vegetables, fruits such as mangoes, avocados lemonspassion fruit, eggplant, cabbage, among others.

In addition, in the rice factories there are tens of thousands of bushels of husks of that cereal stored, while of beans from the last harvest, some 50,000 quintals are calculated in power of local merchants, while at the moment in the provinces of San Juan, Azua and Elias Piña, there are cultivated some 140 thousand corn tasks, only in the first 80 thousand, according to the director of the Agricultural Regional, agronomist Juan Bautista Mateo.

Markets look crowded with products.

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