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November 24, 2022
1 min read

Roy Barreras defends that congressmen be a bridge for mayors to carry out projects

Roy Barreras defends that congressmen be a bridge for mayors to carry out projects

The president of the Congress of the Republic, Roy Barreras, in the midst of his speech at the National Meeting of Mayors that took place in Cartagena, defended the position that the congressmen be a bridge so that the leaders of the different municipalities of the country can carry out your projects.

This position of the senator, It goes in clear contradiction to what was said by President Gustavo Petrowho in that same scenario questioned the intermediation of congressmen so that the mayors comply with local projects, since, that is a scenario for the corruption problem to increase.

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In this position, Barreras sent a message to the National Government to support the municipal leaders who are about to finish their term, since They need resources to address winter wave problems, roads and social investment projects, among others.

“Our responsibility is to give everyone a voice, but Congress has another responsibility, which I am not going to ignore today. We have the responsibility of regional representation with its citizens, its municipalities that elect the congressmen, who cannot hide their role with the municipalitiesI say that clearly because some political models assume that mayors are orphaned, abandoned, that nobody represents them,” said the president of Congress.

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“You are one year away from finishing your term, you do not need promises of reforms to the laws or constitutional reforms or utopian projects, what you need is money, execution, support, finishing your efforts well and that translates into concrete measures. translates to that the resources of Fonpet are resources for you and for your needs and not decided by the Central Government, this dissaving of Fonpet is essential and necessary at a time of fiscal, global, national crisis but also of its municipalities. Those resources have to arrive now, they do not depend on a legal reform but on a government decision,” he said.

Barreras did not hesitate to send a message to the director of the National Risk and Disaster Management Unit, for the execution of works in several municipalities where the winter wave and the flooding of the rivers are destroying roads and sidewalks. “You have the resources, you have to execute them with the mayors and the populations because the municipalities are falling and they are leaving them alone. That money is there”, sentenced the senator.

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