The Congressional Economy Commission gave the green light to the proposal that will allow a new withdrawal of up to 4 UIT (S/ 18,400) of the funds of the System Private Pension System (SPP), but this project must still be debated in the plenary session of the Parliament and promulgated by the Government before becoming law. Faced with this situation, it is important that you know how much money you have in your AFP account.
According to the Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and AFPs (SBS), with the five withdrawals approved between 2020 and 2021, 2.3 million affiliates were left without a single sol in their Individual Capitalization Accounts (CIC).
Now with the possible withdrawal of 4 UIT for all affiliates of the AFPs, employed and unemployed, S/ 27,333 million will come out of the pension funds, according to the calculations of the Association of AFPs.
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“It is estimated that in total, including the new project, the amount that would come out of the Private Pension System in the last two years would be S/ 93,256 million, equivalent to 10.7% of GDP.”, he indicated.
How can I find out how much money I have in the AFP?
Each AFP at the national level has a total record of all contributions, this can be viewed on the entities’ website or application, be it AFP Integra, Prima, Habitat and Profuturo.
Next, we will give you the steps on how to find out how much money you have in your account depending on the AFP to which you are affiliated.
- AFP Integra: If you are a member of this administrator, you can enter the following link:
- AFP Premium: enter the page and in “My account” you place the number of your ID and password.
- AFP Habitat: To review the statement of account in this AFP you must enter
- Future AFP: If you are a member of this AFP you can enter to view your account statement.
If you access these official AFP portals (in which you are affiliated) you will be able to know how much your total money is so that you can request if the new pension withdrawal is approved.
On the other hand, if you want to receive the amount of your contribution every four months, call your AFP or update your data in person at one of their agencies. You can also request a detailed report of your contributions and total movements, installments and accumulated balance.
Is there a 2022 AFP withdrawal schedule?
It is still a bill, so there is no official schedule for the AFP withdrawal, but the proposals establish that the disbursement will be made in three armies as follows:
- First disbursement of up to 1 UIT: within a maximum period of 30 calendar days after submitting the request to the AFP.
- Second disbursement of up to 1 UIT: Within a maximum period of 30 calendar days.
- Third disbursement for the remainder of the amount requested up to 2 UIT: Within a maximum period of 30 calendar days.