Cuba, represión, 11J

Repressive week in Cuba for the first anniversary of 11J

Havana Cuba. – This July 12, another date on which the first anniversary of the demonstrations of the Cuban people against the regime is commemorated, the police presence was maintained in several central places in Havana.

The current week has been characterized by the strong military deployment in the main arteries of Havana and by the celebration of gastronomic and industrial fairs, organized by the regime with the aim of diverting the attention of the people on the first anniversary of 11J.

Both in the Central Park and on Neptuno Street, the Government set up tents with dissimilar offers for the people, while numerous school-age children were taken from schools to participate in scheduled children’s activities.

Since July 10, uniformed police officers and State Security agents dressed in civilian clothes guarded different important streets of the capital (Prado, Obispo, Boulevard de San Rafael, Carlos III, Calle 23, Calle G) to avoid or control another possible social outbreak on these dates.

In addition, in recent days dozens of activists, opponents and independent journalists have reported the police cordon around their homes.

This was the case with reporter Camila Acosta Rodríguez, who has been watched and controlled by agents of the Political Police and the National Revolutionary Police (PNR) since before July 11.

Other opponents and reporters too they have denounced harassment last week, as is the case of Luz Escobar, Manuel de la Cruz, Boris González Arenas and opposition leader Manuel Cuesta Morúa.

The reporter from CubaNet Claudia Montero and her partner, opponent Fabio Corchado Borroto, also recently reported the presence of State Security agents in front of their building.

According to Corchado Borroto, when he tried to attend the funeral of the opposition Alfredo Guilleuma Rodríguezthis Tuesday, two individuals from the Technical Department of Investigations (DTI) prevented him from advancing.

“I told them to give me an explanation and one of them just said the same thing. Then, in an ironic tone, he told me: ‘This is for good. If you want the bad ones, I’ll call the patrol’”.

Thus, on the first anniversary of 11J there was a considerable increase in the repression against the independent Cuban press and against the opposition in general. Numerous reporters and activists were besieged, interrogated and detained.

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