Applications for scholarships offered by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) end next Wednesday (27th) for projects that seek to improve the living conditions of those who have experienced extreme events, such as disasters related to emergencies. weather and environmental accidents. 60 doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships are offered. Applications must be made through the Capes Registration System (Sicapes).
36 postdoctoral fellowships and 24 doctoral fellowships will be offered, in a maximum number of 12 projects. The approved projects will be valid for 40 months, with a forecast for the start of activities in December 2022.
According to Capes, the objective is to “stimulate and support high-level human resources training projects focused on academic-scientific research for the development of policies and projects for the prevention, mitigation and response to situations of social vulnerability resulting from climate emergencies” .
Projects must also analyze the social, economic and family impact of environmental events that have caused the state of public calamity, such as floods, landslides, fires and drought, in Brazil between 2020 and 2022.
The public call is part of the public notice Postgraduate Development Program (PDPG) Social Vulnerability & Human Rights and is part of Capes’ Emergency Program for the Prevention and Coping of Disasters Related to Climatic Emergencies, Extreme Events and Environmental Accidents.
Among the requirements to apply for the scholarships are being a professor or researcher linked to a postgraduate program recommended by Capes, having a doctorate, having a registered and updated curriculum on the Lattes Platform.