The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) took one of the first steps of its reactivation plan and modified the regulations of the mechanisms of works for taxes (OxI) and public-private partnerships (PPPs).
Among the changes that are proposed are the new sources of financing for the OxI. They will no longer only be through resources from the canon, surcharge and royalties, but also include funds such as Foncor or Foncomun, municipal taxes and ordinary resources.
For him economist and general manager of Escaffi Public Management, José Luis Escaffithis change will allow more regions and municipalities to have access to this system.
To this is added that the regulation also expands the scope of the mechanism, including the IOARR (Optimization, Marginal Expansion, Rehabilitation and Replacement Investments), which are activities of rehabilitation, operation and maintenance of projects. Considering this, Escaffi pointed out that this would help improve the quality of educational and health services.
He indicated that it is required that Pro-investment empower subnational governments to accelerate the progress of projects.
Escaffi added that “there was a lack of incorporating a dispute resolution board as was done in the Pan American Games, to resolve discrepancies during the execution of the work and not reach arbitration.”
-Between 2009 and 2022, the company that has invested the most under OxI is Antamina.
-At the PPP level, there will be Specialized Bodies for the Management and Execution of Projects for entities with project portfolios with high investment amounts.