There is less than a week left until the end of the year, but the figures for the execution of resources in investment projects of various regional governments (gores) might look like July. This is the case in six regions, where spending did not even reach 50% of what was set for this year, according to data as of December 24 from the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF).
In this group, Huánuco and Cajamarca stand out as the most striking cases, since until the aforementioned date their regional governments had executed only 26.5% and 38.6%, respectively.
To both regions are added Tumbes, Ica and La Libertad, where the use of resources was slightly higher, reaching 41.1%, 44.6% and 47.8%, in each case.
In the case of Huánuco, the sectors with the least progress are culture (6.6%) and education (17.6%), and in the latter this means that only S/16.3 million of almost S/92.7 million were spent. In the highest part of the ranking, on the other hand, are housing (54.9%) and agriculture (48.2%).
This situation, however, changes depending on the region, with cases such as Cajamarca, where there is a better situation for investment in education, but reaching only 32.1% progress.
As for Tumbes, if the field of planning and contingency reserve is not counted, the agricultural sector presents the best progress (84.4%), followed closely by transportation. However, in the last rungs of the list of sectors appear education (31.4%) and health (16.8%). These last two also gather resources for just over S/75 million.
There is also the case of Ica, where the execution in education stands out as the highest (63%) at the level of the respective regional government, but the fields of social protection (12.2%) and health (18.1%) are observed at the end of the list. ). In addition, progress in agricultural investment projects has been only 22.1%. In other words, only S/14.8 million were executed out of just over S/67 million that were intended for that purpose.
Although La Libertad presented an execution of 100% of its resources for an item on public order and security, said amount was only S/17,064, something ridiculous. Investment in health, on the other hand, had advanced only 21.4%, the lowest percentage at the sector level of said regional government.
mining areas
The list of the six regions with less than 50% execution is completed with Áncash, a mining region where investment projects had an advance of 40.7% until December 24.
Although the use of resources for culture and sports (82.8%) and public order (76.4%) stood out, the worst panorama was observed in energy (8%), housing (9.8%) and health (15.8%).
Other mining regions showed better overall progress, but still far from 90%. Examples of this are Pasco (55.8%) and Arequipa (68.2%).
In a better situation, Cusco and Apurímac could be observed, the first with 76.1% progress and the last with 83.2%, leading the table of regional governments in terms of investment in projects.
Keep in mind
-Apurímac, the region with the highest execution, shows greater progress in sectors such as the environment, social protection and transportation. In all, more than 90%.
-In Moquegua, where the Quellaveco mine is located, the regional government has executed 58.9% of resources.