President Jair Bolsonaro responded, today (14), to criticism that the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) nº 15 that the Chamber of Deputies approved yesterday (13) would be electoral. The approval of the National Congress to the proposal authorizes the federal government to temporarily increase the amounts paid to some social programs and to create other benefits.
“Whoever is in need does not care whether he has an election or not. [este ano]. For those who are starving, it doesn’t matter”, replied the president when asked by journalists during his visit to Vitória do Mearim (MA).
Bolsonaro regretted that Congress had not previously approved the Social Benefits PEC. And he highlighted that the initiative is not limited to raising from R$ 400 to R$ 600, until December, the monthly amount paid to beneficiaries of Auxílio Brasil and Auxílio Gás.
The PEC, which generates BRL 41.2 billion in exceptional expenses for the Union, also authorizes the payment of aid of BRL 1,000 to truck drivers, the reinforcement of the Alimenta Brasil program, in addition to installments of BRL 200 for taxi drivers, financing of free public transport for the elderly and compensation for states that reduce the tax burden on biofuels.
Bolsonaro also confirmed that he should talk to Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, in the coming days, and that he should present him with a “solution” to the war with Ukraine.
“He wants to talk to me. It is leadership; his country has this conflict and I will give my opinion. I’ll tell him what I think. The solution to the case, I know what it would be like, but I won’t talk to anyone [antes de Zelensky]. What I can say is: how did the war between Argentina and the United Kingdom end in 1982? It’s over there. We regret everything that happens, but the reality is something we have to understand”, commented Bolsonaro, referring to the war fought for the rule of the Falkland Islands (or Falklands, as the British call them) and which ended with the surrender of Argentina.