President Jair Bolsonaro sanctioned with vetoes the bill of the National Congress (PLN nº 39/2022) that established guidelines for the execution of the Budgetary Guidelines Law (LDO) of 2022.
In a message sent today (28) to Congress, he justified that the vetoes were unconstitutional and contrary to the public interest.
One of the vetoes deals with the authorization for the Executive Branch to use funds reclassified from rapporteur amendments (RP9) as discretionary amendments (RP2). “The legislative proposal incurs a defect of unconstitutionality, as it disrespects the required thematic pertinence, by conveying foreign matter to the bill”, says the veto message.
Another vetoed issue is the possibility of outstanding amounts payable relating to contracts and agreements being settled only after December 31, 2023.
“The legislative proposal is unconstitutional, given that the devices focus on the execution of expenses from other financial years”, justified the president.