The vulgarity of our politicians demonstrates the limits of their worlds.
The obscene statements, the harsh implications seem to be the end of a way of understanding politics, previously understood as the pressure to persuade people through good manners and good terms.
That seems to have been definitely left behind because we are in the catacombs of the form of interpersonal relationships between politicians.
What was said by former President Cartes and other political members of his movement, show us that the argument today is to generate the greatest amount of unrest possible in a electorate that cannot be mobilized with anything.
To the insulting statements, to the vulgarity and rudeness of our politicians, there is a voter who shouts and who jumps feverishly at such an expression, which shows that for some this type of expressive model is the one that best reflects them.
A famous Austrian thinker Wittgenstein said: “The limit of your world is the limit of your language”. If so, and living the limit of our politicians in their language, obviously we are in a dunghill.