If you are close to turning 65 or older and you are not a pensioner, it is important that you know that you have the right to request the Universal Guaranteed Pension (PGU). There is some confusion among some people who believe that by continuing to work they are not eligible to receive this benefit. However, this is not true. If you are 65 years of age or older and have not yet retired, you can apply for the PGU, as long as you meet the other established legal requirements.
Between the requirements To access the PGU, you must prove a residence in Chile for at least 20 years and not be part of a family group that belongs to the richest 10% of the country’s population. If you meet these requirements and are of the required age, you can apply for the PGU, even if you are still working.
The request for the PGU It can be done on the website www.chileatiende.cl, every day of the year, including weekends and holidays, using the ClaveÚnica. In addition, on the same website you can previously verify if you meet the necessary requirements to apply for the benefit. It is also possible to make the request through video service at the aforementioned sites, at the ChileAtiende branches of the Social Welfare Institute (IPS), at the municipalities or, in the case of being affiliated with an AFP or insurance company, at said entities. .
It is important to note that other requirement it is necessary to be registered in the Social Registry of Households to apply for the PGU, since some data is obtained from there to assess the requirements. The maximum amount of the PGU is $206,173 and it is important to note that it does not correspond to affiliates or pensioners of Dipreca and Capredena.
If you have questions or need more information about the Universal Guaranteed Pension, you can consult ChileAtiende’s social networks (@ChileAtiende on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) or call Call Center 101. There you can answer any questions or concerns you have about the PGU.