The Permanent Commission of People’s Power and Communication initiates a street parliamentarism plan called “We are going to the street” that will be implemented from the second period of ordinary sessions of 2022, given the nature of this legislative body to keep in touch with the village.
The information was provided by the president of the legislative body, deputy Juan Carlos Alemán, who said that despite the parliamentary recess, which began on August 15, they will remain active with meetings and assemblies.
He added that after the debates with the people, who participated in the approval of the plan, they will be deployed in the communities, inside the neighborhood, to hear first-hand “what the group thinks, feels and aspires to,” a press release from the Parliament.
Regarding the balance of the first period of sessions, he indicated that the commission in his charge approved the reports for the first discussion of the draft Law on the Exercise of Public Relations and the Organic Law on Social Comptrollership, state-of-the-art regulations of the instance and that they were presented to the plenary to decide when it would go into session, added the parliamentarian.
In addition, he said that they approved the agreements on the occasion of the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the fascist blow against the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba, the Day of the Popular Communicator, the National Day of the Journalist, the anniversary of the Sowing of the Revolutionary Darío Vivas and National Mobilization Day, which were approved in the Plenary of the National Assembly (AN).
He reported that the commission held 18 regular meetings, two extraordinary meetings and six work sessions. The Communication and Information and People’s Power subcommittees, which are part of the permanent commission, held thirty 30 meetings, including ordinary, technical and work meetings, for a total of 57 in this period.
joint work
On the other hand, in order to coordinate the participation of the ministerial entities in the legislative agenda during the first period of 2022, they held meetings with spokespersons for the National Communal Parliament, as well as with representatives of the Ministry of People’s Power for Communes and Social Movements. .
They also received the members of the Movement of Necessary Journalism and the Platform of Journalists and Communicators of Venezuela in order to prepare the organizational roadmap and review the Law on the Exercise of Journalism, in addition to meetings with representatives of the National Telecommunications Commission ( Conatel) with the purpose of elaborating proposals that will allow to serve the Alternative, Community and Popular Media.
While in the framework of the discussion of the project to reform the Organic Law of Social Comptrollership, an extraordinary meeting was held at the headquarters of the Comptroller General of the Republic.
From this commission, the projects of the Law on Social Responsibility in Digital Networks and the Organic Law for the Strengthening of Social Movements were evaluated, leaving these two legislative proposals to consider in the second legislative period 2022.
Finally, Alemán explained that the Project for the Reform of the Organic Law of Social Comptrollership, which will be submitted to the consideration of the Plenary Chamber in the second period of sessions, is a necessary instrument for the effective application of social control, accountability and the auditing methods within the framework of the co-responsibility of the bodies of the Public Power and the People’s Power.