From the Editorial Office
Newspaper La Jornada
Tuesday, February 15, 2022, p. 13
The National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) issued a recommendation to Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) due to omissions in the treatment of a patient with covid-19 who was not tested in April 2020, which led to poor treatment which led to his death. For this reason, it requested Pemex comprehensive reparation for the damage in accompaniment with the Executive Commission for Attention to Victims.
In the file through which the CNDH accredited the negligence in the treatment of the person, it was detected that upon arrival a test was not applied to confirm if he had covid-19, which led to poor treatment. He was hospitalized four days after the consultation until the victim obtained the SARS-CoV-2 test on his own and died six days after admission
the first of May 2020.
The complaint was presented by his wife, and from the analysis of the file, there was evidence that allows to prove violations of human rights to the protection of health, and life to the detriment of the victim, attributable to the medical staff of the Hospital de Pemex, because he was not given the medical attention, management and treatment according to his condition.
Given this, the CNDH issued a recommendation requesting that Pemex, in coordination with the Executive Commission for Attention to Victims, provide comprehensive reparation for the damage to indirect victims, including fair and sufficient compensation, in terms of of the General Victims Law.