Pedro Castillo's lawyer loses his papers after acknowledging that he was imprisoned for terrorism

Pedro Castillo’s lawyer loses his papers after acknowledging that he was imprisoned for terrorism

Wilfredo Robles, former president Pedro Castillo’s lawyer, was obfuscated this afternoon in an interview after acknowledging that he served 12 years in prison for the crime of terrorism, .

Robles said on Exitosa radio that he was imprisoned but argued that this did not prevent him from defending the former president of the coup.

“[¿estuvo detenido por terrorismo?] I have not been and am not a terrorist (have you been in jail?) Like many innocent people falsely incriminated during the dictatorship of (Alberto) Fujimori and (Vladimiro) Montesinos,” he said.

The journalist Karina Novoa insisted on the question about the time he was behind bars: “[¿Estuvo detenido ¿cuántos años?) sí, el tiempo que usted dice, por el delito que usted está mencionando, terrorismo”.

En otro momento, el letrado dijo que no fue condenado sino que cumplió “prisión preventiva”. De acuerdo a información de la Dircote, el ‘camarada Aldo’, el alias por el que se conocía a Wilfredo Robles, estuvo en privado de su libertad del 12 de noviembre de 1992 al 31 de enero de 2004.

Respecto a su firma y huella digital que aparece en los planillones que el Movimiento por la Amnistía y Derechos Humanos (Movadef), el brazo político de Sendero Luminoso, presentó en 2011 para inscribirse como partido político, este respondió que no recordaba haberlas estampado.

“[¿Firmó los planillones del Movadef?] I don’t remember, I have signed so many planillons, also for the re-registration of Apra, it is good that democracy has parties ”, he excused himself.

The lawyer, who obtained his professional degree after being released from prison, could not take any more questions about his dark past and verbally attacked Novoa, who demanded that he leave the radio set.

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