Pedro Castillo Terrones assumed the presidency of Peru on July 28, 2021. With only nine months in office, the president has faced two vacancy attempts. In the first he did not manage to go to debate, while the second was voted on in plenary session.He only got 55 votes out of the 87 he required, so he did not proceed.
Likewise, yesterday, Thursday, April 14, a new brigadier general was appointed, replacing Willy Dingler Bueno, who had been in office since January. The new boss of Military House of the Presidential Office is José Antonio Mariscal Quiroz as indicated by Supreme Resolution 125-2022-PCM published in the official newspaper El Peruano and which has the signatures of the head of state and Aníbal Torres.
For its part, the Congress of the Republic has ordered that the new ombudsman is elected in the next 30 or 40 days. This was confirmed by congressman Wilmer Elera to the Andina agency. “The election process should not go beyond the current legislature and should take place in 30 or 45 days at the most,” he said. Similarly, he pointed out that the candidates would be defined by invitation and that each bench must submit a candidate proposal that will be evaluated by all legislators.
On the other hand, Cardinal Pedro Barreto held a meeting with the President of the Republic last Thursday, April 14. At the end of the meeting he told the press that the agent is aware that he has been negatively advised during the time of his government.
“The president is very aware of how he has been advised in some very negative way, because it has been nine months of his government with a fifth cabinet in the making, which has to be a cabinet of the national unity of the concertation from the truth and not from subordinate interests,” Monsignor Barreto told the press.