The president of the Republic, peter castletogether with the Minister of the Interior, changed the Inspector General of the Police in the midst of the controversy generated by his request to dismiss Colonel Harvey Colchado before this institution for the raid on the Government Palace.
LOOK: Pedro Castillo seeks the expulsion of the colonel who investigates his criminal environment
through the supreme resolution 135-2022-INpublished this Saturday August 27 in the legal regulations bulletin of El Peruano, the Executive appointed Segundo Leoncio Mejía Montenegro as the new Inspector General of the PNP.
The document, which bears the signatures of Pedro Castillo and Minister Willy Huerta, also promotes the aforementioned member of the Police from General de Armas to Lieutenant General.
This, after stating that after the appointment of a new General Commander of the PNP, the Chief of the General Staff and the Inspector General are appointed as part of the High Command.
In two other resolutions, also published on August 27, the Government named Raúl Enrique Alfaro Alvarado and Vicente Marcelo Álvarez Moreno as the new Commander General and the new Chief of the General Staff, respectively.
Pedro Castillo asks the Inspectorate to leave Harvey Colchado
All this occurs two days after it became known that the legal defense of Pedro Castillo filed a complaint against Colonel PNP Harvey Colchado before the General Police Inspectorate.
Eduardo Pachas, lawyer for the President of the Republic, accuses the head of the PNP special team of having acted irregularly during the raid on the residence of the Government Palace when carrying out the arrest warrant against Yenifer Paredes on August 9.
According to Peru21an immediate effect that this action could have is that Colonel PNP, leader of the PNP Special Team that supports corruption investigations against the Castillo government, may be temporarily removed from office while the investigations continue.