Jesús Mendoza: “Los ucevistas tenemos la oportunidad de ocupar otra vez los espacios”-como ganador a Jesús Mendoza

Partial results give Jesús Mendoza as the winner in the presidency of the FCU-UCV

Jesús Mendoza: “Ucevistas have the opportunity to occupy the spaces again”- Jesús Mendoza as the winner
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Partial results of the student elections give as winner Jesús Mendoza in the presidency of the FCU-UCV and Yonnathan Carrillo as deputy president, both from the group La U Que Soñamos.

The Electoral Commission of the UCV detailed that La U Que Soñamos obtained 2,988 votes compared to 2,902 for Vive La U, the cast of Sebastian Horesok and José Romero.

The entity also denounced that the actions committed by the student representative before the Electoral Commission, Roangel Ojeda, significantly harmed the process, since it put “in doubt the performance of the subcommissions and that of the Electoral Commission itself and its staff.”

For this reason, “in the face of the unusual action of Roangel Ojeda, publishing a partial bulletin with different figures and the indications that he makes publicly based on assumptions, we proceed to publish the results that are found in the bulletin delivered to Roangel Ojeda on Friday the 27th of May”.

Ojeda assured on Sunday night on his Twitter account that the Central Commission received a series of minutes sent from the subcommissions full of irregularities. “What were the irregularities? Lack of a seal in some minutes, the non-existence of witnesses in the closing minutes of the tables, the partial non-existence of the witnesses at the time of closing the tables when they should have approached to sign the minutes, ”he said.

“Given the importance that FCU UCV has for our community, I made the decision to publish a preliminary bulletin excluding the totalization of the schools that I named,” he added.

Jesús Mendoza responded on the same social network: “This is sad! You do not know the will of 16 schools. You are worse than chavismo!”

David Sosa, current president of the FCU UCV, replied saying that Ojeda handled the election results tendentiously and conveniently. “The Electoral Commission of the UCV was also requested to support the delivery of the bulletin, without alterations, which, according to this email sample, was officially delivered on May 27 at 11:38 pm. It should be noted that said bulletin was in his possession without being published for approximately 48 hours, ”he explained.

He stressed that the minutes were always manipulated by Ojeda and not by him or the university counselor Vicente Signorile. “We only serve as witnesses as stated in this internal act of the Electoral Commission signed by its executive secretary.”

“The call is for you to rectify and publish the original bulletin that was delivered to you,” concluded the student leader, who detailed in another tweet that the results of EUS Barcelona still need to be totaled in order to have a bulletin with definitive results.

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