Home South AmericaPeru Parliamentary Ethics Commission will evaluate if they open an investigation against Bermejo for attending the Barranzuela jarana

Parliamentary Ethics Commission will evaluate if they open an investigation against Bermejo for attending the Barranzuela jarana

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Parliamentary Ethics Commission will evaluate if they open an investigation against Bermejo for attending the Barranzuela jarana

Perú21TV spoke with Karol Paredes, Popular Action congressman and president of the Parlamantaria Ethics Commission about the jarana at the house of the the night of the last Sunday, October 31.

Congresswoman Karol Paredes was asked whether an investigation will be opened against Congressman Guillermo Bermejo for participating in the jarana carried out by the Minister of the Interior “As part of the Commission, the technical team, we not only have to evaluate but also take the necessary measures as appropriate so as not to be carrying out lawsuits,” he said.

Karol Paredes Parliamentary Ethics Commission will evaluate if they open an investigation against Bermejo for a Barranzuela jarana

“What we are going to do is take it by trade because the media have shared the images … from this procedure we will carry out the investigations”, said the Congresswoman about the case of the jarana of Minister Barranzuela.

SIGHT: Popular Action will give a vote of confidence if they remove ministers Luis Barranzuela, Carlos Gallardo and José Incio, according to Congressman Espinoza

When asked about the order of to be held next Thursday, November 4, he said that as a bench of they have suggested changes in the Cabinet led by Mirtha Vásquez.

“I believe that the Minister -Luis Barranzuela- should present his letter of resignation in the face of all these situations that harm the institution” the Congresswoman told Perú21TV.


Roberto Chiabra on jarana de Barranzuela:"With what morals are they going to ask for trust?"
Perú21TV spoke with congressman Roberto Chiabra from Alianza Para el Progreso, about the revelry that the Minister of the Interior organized at his home in Surco, despite the fact that his office released a statement that prohibited social gatherings.

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