#GuestColumn |  Electoral reform and equality of the vote

PAN and PRI members “tie” their electoral reform initiatives

4. Electronic voting

To reduce costs in electoral processes, without reducing their reliability and quality, both parties opt for electronic voting, with an electronic ballot box.

This measure, say the blues, would allow the vote count to be “practically immediate”, in addition to giving more certainty to the contest, because the minutes would be the product of an algorithm, not of discussions at a table between representatives.

While the tricolor considers that this mechanism contemplates the electronic ballot box, that is, not remote voting, as Morena puts it “because this goes against certainty and security.”

5. Defense of electoral authorities

Another point on which PAN and PRI members agree is the defense and strengthening of the autonomy of the electoral authorities, that is, the National Electoral Institute (INE) and the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation (TEPJF). This, including the appointment of electoral advisers.

6. Electoral reforms

In other points of its initiative, the PAN also declares itself for primary elections, for coalition governments, for imprisoning public servants who refer to political-electoral issues or violate the electoral ban from their public positions and the creation of a “list B” of plurinominal deputies.

In turn, the PRI seeks to promote a Vice President of the Republic “who would go in the formula of the presidential candidate and would be elected for the same term, as well as for greater freedom of expression during electoral campaigns, reduction of public financing to parties and expansion of citizen financing.

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