The Daniel Ortega regime strengthened its ties with the media of its ally Russia by signing a memorandum of cooperation with the news agency and radio station Sputnik. The news from the Russian media will be replicated in at least twenty official media in Nicaragua.
During the VII Eastern Economic Forum of Russia, the son of the presidential couple, who serves as Media Coordinator of the Communication and Citizenship Council, Daniel Edmundo Ortega Murillo, signed the document in which they seek to “exchange content to bring the peoples closer of the two countries and for mutual understanding.
Related news: Murillo accuses journalists of being “responsible for crimes against humanity” in the country
The head of the international cooperation directorate of Sputnik, Vasili Pushkov, pointed out that the signing of this current agreement is important to get rid of what he classified as “unnecessary information garbage”. In the panel they stated that it is important to “strengthen cooperation in the communication field between the countries that defend the truth in the face of media manipulation and hate campaigns promoted by the United States and European countries.”
This agreement comes at a time when journalists’ organizations and the international community have denounced Nicaragua’s setback in press freedom and systematic violations of the right to information in the country.
Nicaragua’s deputy president, Rosario Murillo, applauded this agreement while attacking independent media alleging that in Nicaragua they seek to “distort” the country’s reality. In addition, she stressed that her propaganda media are the only ones that spread the “truth” of what is happening.
Murillo celebrated the participation of his envoys, referring that they spoke “about the truth in Nicaragua and how they have wanted to distort it and continue to distort it, and here we infinitely thank God, in his light, in his truth and in his love, we are going forward, because the disadvantage of the liars, of the slanderers, of those who slander is that nobody believes them, because we know them and most of them are responsible for crimes against humanity, “said the spokeswoman for the regime.
Related news: Murillo’s accusation against journalists is an “absurd narrative”
«Time and history will make it increasingly evident the responsibility as a hate crime of people who appear there as the great protagonists of the truth. Which truth? Fools they are, but not only fools, but they bet on destroying with lies and hate and hate, hate crimes are condemned in the first place by the families and peoples who suffer from them, “Murillo continued adding.
According to the recent report of the International Broadcasting Association (AIR), «since the beginning of the social protests in the country in April 2018, the Ortega Murillo regime has closed more than 40 media outlets, has forced 140 into exile journalists and 6 media managers and journalists are deprived of their liberty.