The journalist, writer and politician of Cuban origin, Carlos Alberto Montanerdemanded the release of the 235 Nicaraguan political prisoners who suffer cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment -according to complaints from their relatives and human rights organizations- under the dictatorship of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo in Nicaragua.
Montaner highlights the imprisonment suffered by four members of the Chamorro family, including Cristiana Chamorro, the most popular presidential candidate who could wrest power from Ortega in free, fair and transparent elections, according to surveys by foreign firms.
In a opinion piece Published by El Nuevo Herald, the analyst points out that the almost seven million inhabitants of Nicaragua “are kidnapped by a criminal marriage,” alluding to the dictatorial couple that rules the Central American country with an iron hand.
In addition, it highlights the massive exodus of compatriots who have fled due to state repression and the high cost of living, many of them to the United States, Costa Rica, Spain and Mexico.
“Why are those 235 people imprisoned? Because any of them can defeat Ortega in a free election. And even more so in the case of a Chamorro, which is the guarantee of honesty in administrative matters and democracy in the transmission of authority”, affirms the award-winning Cuban journalist.
«Nicaragua has a population of six million seven hundred thousand people, of which 400,000 have fled the country and have taken refuge in Costa Rica, while twice as many have done so in the United States for a total of more than one million inhabitants (US Census of 2020)”, adds Montaner in his letter.
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The analyst explains that the thousands of Nicaraguans who have fled the country to the United States have requested political asylum, this as a consequence of the social protests that began in 2018 when Ortega and Murillo “became butchers, ordering the militias to kill 355 people, almost all young students, although the government “only” recognizes 200». The deaths mentioned by Montaner he described as a “massaration” perpetrated by the dictatorial couple.
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Ortega and Murillo launched a manhunt for opponents from May to November 2021 on the eve of the presidential elections. In that brutal onslaught, he imprisoned student leaders, peasant leaders, presidential candidates, human rights activists, feminists, journalists, political analysts, and members of the opposition.
According to him Mechanism for the Recognition of Political PrisonersOrtega keeps 236 opponents behind bars in the country’s prisons and all are subjected to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.