The text of the rapporteur, senator Marcelo Castro (MDB-PI), provides for new rules for the distribution of resources from the rapporteur’s amendments, criteria of proportionality and impersonality. The resources planned for 2023 are around R$ 19 billion.
The resources must be distributed according to the proportion of the benches (80%) and another 20% reserved for the Boards of both Houses, for the general rapporteur and the president of the Joint Budget Committee. The areas of health and social assistance must receive at least 50% of the value of the rapporteur’s amendments. The nominations must contain the name of a parliamentarian, even if the resources are intended to respond to nominations from public agents or representatives of civil society.
The proposal began to be discussed for more than three hours yesterday (15), but was interrupted before the assessment of the merits. Initially, the prediction was that the matter would return to the plenary of Congress only next week.
Consideration of the matter was brought forward to today due to suspension of the analysis on the constitutionality of the subject at the Federal Supreme Court (STF).
With a score of 5 votes to 4 against the model of the RP9 amendments, the session should be resumed in the next Monday(19), the last session before the Court recess. The votes are missing for ministers Ricardo Lewandowski and Gilmar Mendes?? H
Voting has started yesterday (14) with the vote of the rapporteur, Minister Rosa Weber. The President of the Supreme considered that the secret budget is unconstitutional as it harms the distribution of resources, the right of parliamentarians to participate in the adjustment of the Budget and society to obtain information on the application of the money.