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Murillo reacts furiously and calls the US report on human rights violations in Nicaragua “offensive and harmful”

Los dictadores Ortega y Murillo dicen que rechazan acusaciones de violaciones a los DD.HH. de los nicaragüenses.

The dictators of Nicaragua Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo reacted furiously, with a statement full of offensive epithets, to the report on human rights issued on Monday, April 22, by the United States Government, in which they reiterate the denunciation of the systematic violations of the rights of Nicaraguans, ranging from arbitrary imprisonment, forced disappearances, torture, summary executions, and religious persecution, perpetrated by the Managua regime.

The vice-dictator and government spokesperson, Rosario Murillo, in her daily speech this Tuesday, through the official propaganda media, unleashed insults against the US government, which she called “genocidal” and “savage violators of all human rights.” “and stressed that the Americans “are nobody” to point out the aforementioned violations of the rights of the Nicaraguan people.

The US State Department released its annual report on human rights in the region, and dedicated an extensive report on what happened in Nicaragua in this matter during the year 2023.

US monitoring points to the Ortega-Murillo dictatorship from arbitrary arrests, through the closure of thousands of NGOs, to reports of summary executions, torture, cruel and inhuman treatment against political prisoners, abuses against indigenous peoples, the promotion of statelessness, which is a crime against humanity, government corruption, even religious persecution.

Related news: The G7 calls on Ortega to end the “generalized repression” in Nicaragua and release political prisoners

The accusations filled the dictators with anger to the point that Murillo dedicated a statement to inform the international community that the report on human rights is “offensive and harmful” and, according to Murillo, “overrides and attacks our sovereignty.”

The regime’s spokesperson called the document “infamous”, while accusing the US government of attributing to itself a role that no one has granted it, as “guardian of human rights in the world.”

The vice dictator of Nicaragua pointed out that they are absolutely unaware of this attribution “that the North American Empire grants itself” and called them “colonialists and neocolonialists.”

«Our people and government by forcefully rejecting, because we are not a North American colony, this tendentious, biased and interested imperial exhibition, in continuous and unsustainable desire for superiority, through its fictional, daring and offensive manifest destiny, reminds the United States all their crimes, committed in the name of their imperial gluttony; “Crimes and absurdities, wars and genocides, which we will never stop denouncing,” Murillo said furiously.

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For the spokesperson of the dictatorship, who is attributed with the disastrous phrase of “let’s go with everything” that meant the order to shoot to kill unarmed protesters during the 2018 protests, the report issued by Joe Biden’s government is “a list of slander, defamation and infamy,” and called them “provocators, aggressors, invaders and directors of choirs and orchestras made up of their local servants,” referring to Nicaraguan human rights organizations and the opposition.

“We denounce them (the US) again as the most barbaric and savage violators of all human rights,” Murillo said, raising his voice. «Their reports are from you, about you and for you. “We don’t recognize them,” he insisted.

Murillo says he lives in another world

The second in command of the Nicaraguan dictatorship, as a way to counteract the complaints made by the US government, continued to collect what it called “historical debt” resulting from the trial for damages derived from the US-sponsored war during the 1980s. .

“Before the International Court of Justice, answer for your crimes and comply with the historic sentence that forces you to compensate Nicaragua for one of its many genocidal wars,” he said.

Murillo reacts furiously and calls the US report on human rights violations in Nicaragua “offensive and harmful”
Ortega and Murillo are identified by the UN as responsible for crimes against humanity.

The Sandinista spokesperson, who has been identified by the United Nations (UN) as responsible for crimes that could be considered crimes against humanity, told the United States that they do not realize that “there is already another World, and there “We live who do not know the United States as masters or owners of the human community, of our wealth, cultures, languages ​​and heritage.”

The report that filled dictators with anger

Ortega and Murillo reacted with fury to the report called “National report on human rights practices 2023: Nicaragua.” The virulence with which the dictators reacted to this document is striking, contrary to what happened with the report issued just a few days before by the G7, the seven strongest economic powers in the world, which also made the same points but did not react.

The report prepared by the Office of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor of the State Department analyzes the general human rights situation in Nicaragua during 2023. Divided into seven sections, it details all the violations perpetrated by the Ortega-Murillo regime.

Among the highlights, they draw attention to the dangerous «transnational repression» who would be practicing dictatorship, by exercising violence against exiled opponents in other countries. Even the opportunism of the repressive forces of the regime in taking advantage of international laws and the International Police (Interpol) to persecute opponents.

Related news: UN identifies those responsible for crimes against humanity in Nicaragua

“Exiles in Costa Rica and elsewhere reported harassment and political oppression by parapolice and FSLN sympathizers who crossed the border to attack the exiles, as well as by intelligence officials inside the Nicaraguan embassy in Costa Rica,” it says. The document.

Likewise, the report points out the absence of freedom of association, including the right to organize or join political parties. The prohibition on free assembly, demonstration and public mobilization.


The State Department emphasizes the high levels of corruption that exist in the State at all levels, from the rulers to their officials and members of the Sandinista party.

They denounce the repression against human rights defenders, the closure of defense organizations, and the stripping of nationality from defenders and opponents.

They also point out the Ortega-Murillo regime for exercising violence against indigenous populations, for practicing racial and gender discrimination, and for failing to protect children, especially with regard to early pregnancies and forced marriages.

«Exclusionary treatment based on race, skin color and ethnicity was common, especially in higher-income urban areas. Darker-skinned people of African descent in the RACN and RACS, along with others presumed to be from those areas, suffered discrimination, including being subjected to additional security measures and illegal searches by the police,” the Department denounces. of State.

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