The victories for Morena
Although the leader of Morena, Mario Delgado, warned of an “irreversible advantage” in Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo and Tamaulipas, and even Durango, the results of the quick counts did not confirm this in the last case.
In the states of Hidalgo, Oaxaca and Quintana Roo, the first results gave an advantage to flag bearers Julio Menchaca, Salomón Jara and Mara Lezama, who after the polls closed came out to announce their victory.
The quick count in Gentleman with information from 629 of the 837 sample cells, it showed a victory between 60.4% and 63.2% of the morenista Julio Menchaca compared to 30% and 32.7% of the PRI Carolina Viggiano.
In Oaxaca, Salomón Jara is emerging as governor of the entity with 58% and 61.4% of the votes, according to information from 555 of the 650 polling stations selected for the quick count. More than 20 points away is Alejandro Avilés, from the PRI-PRD, with 24.3% and 27.2%.
As long as Mara Lezama would be the first governor of Quintana Roo, with 55.3% and 58.2% of the votea fairly wide distance compared to Laura Fernández of the PAN-PRD, who registers 15.1% and 17.7%, according to the quick count with information from 217 of 250 sampling cells.