Since February 24, 2022, the day on which the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, by order of Russian President Vladimir Putin, More than two hundred children have died.
The Ukrainian Prosecutor’s Office has reported in a message on its Telegram account that, until Thursday, June 2, 2022, 99 days after the invasion, the death of 261 children has been confirmed, while more than 460 have been injured. “These figures are not final, as work is ongoing in places of active hostilities and in the temporarily occupied and liberated territories,” the message added.
The Prosecutor’s Office expands the information, noting that Donetsk province is the one with the highest number of victims, 184 between dead and wounded. Following behind are the kyiv region, with 116, the Kharkov region, with 112, the Chernígov region, with 68, the Lugansk and Kherson regions, with 52, and the Mikolaiv region, with 47. Finally, the institution says that 1,938 educational institutions have suffered material damage due to the attacks, of which a total of 182 have been “completely destroyed”.