authorities of the Treasuryrepresentatives of the European Union, from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and of government entities linked to the Management System of the Public financesbegan the process of evaluating the performance of the Public Finance Management (PFM)through the methodology of Public Expenditure and Accountability (PEFAfor its acronym in English).
On this occasion, for the first time, an assessment of the capacity of the Management System for Public finances to promote and support the implementation of public policies for gender equity, which will be developed with the application of the complementary framework for the evaluation of PEFA Gender.
Through a press release, Saints Derby, Vice Minister of the Treasury expressed: “With this complementary evaluation, it is expected to have a ‘status of the situation’, as of June 30, 2022, on the way in which the Dominican system of management of the Public finances supports the mobilization of public resources for the implementation of policies and plans that support national objectives to advance in this area”.
PEFA (Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability) it is an internationally accepted benchmark that is used to measure the performance of the PFM system in a standardized way at a particular moment, through its comparison with good international practices.
During the event, the international experts who carried out the evaluation explained the methodology in detail, in order to ensure a good understanding of the process of gathering the technical support information and the preparation of the report that will reflect the updated status of the management of Public finances in the country, its strengths and weaknesses and the progress and pending gaps.
It is the sixth evaluation PEFA that is carried out in the country and its coordination was in charge of the Vice Minister of the Treasury, financially and technically financed by the delegation of the European Union.
De los Santos highlighted that on this occasion, as part of the expectations, the improvement of indicators in asset and liability management, fiscal strategy and policy-based budgeting, as well as internal and external control, were outlined, these being the indicators that in the last evaluation PEFA 2016 presented greater opportunities for improvement.
The instruction workshops on the application were held on July 13 and 14, at the Sheraton Hotel, in Santo Domingo.