From February 7, 2022, in the Sierra-Amazonía regime, this measure will be applied, mainly in rural areas and high school nationwide.
The levels of infections by COVID-19, in the country, are going down. For this reason, the plenary session of the national COE issued a new resolution on the return to presence in the classroom.
Coast- Galapagos
In the Costa-Galapagos regime, the guidelines issued on January 22, 2022 will remain in force until the end of the 2021-2022 school year, on March 11, 2022.
Schools in the yellow and green cantons must offer the option of face-to-face in all grades and courses, in accordance with the capacity allowed. When a grade or course has exceeded 85% of its students vaccinated with two doses, the educational institution may, in agreement with the families, have face-to-face attendance of all students in that grade or course.
Sierra- Amazon
From February 7, 2022, the face-to-face It will be normal for high schools, in single-teacher, dual-teacher or multi-teacher educational institutions and in rural educational institutions.
while there will be face-to-face voluntary service of students in elementary and middle school (first to seventh grade) in urban educational institutions with a maximum capacity of 2.25 square meters per person.
When in these institutions, a grade has 85% or more of students vaccinated with two doses, they can return to 100%.
For children under 5 years: Attendance voluntary with a capacity of 2.25 square meters per person in green or yellow. With a maximum capacity of 50% and distancing in red
graduation ceremonies
For the ceremonies of graduation of third-year high school students in private, fiscomisional, fiscal and municipal institutions, of the Costa-Galapagos regime 2021-2022, within the educational facilities, these may be carried out in accordance with the provisions and capacity established in the security traffic light issued by the National COE for each canton. (AVV)
President of the Judicial Council resigns from office