The Ministry of Energy and Mines (Minem) ordered this Sunday the transfer of more than S / 1.4 million for the strengthening of the comprehensive mining formalization process of six regional governments: AncashArequipa, Ucayali, Pasco, Tacna and Tumbes.
Through Ministerial Resolution No. 265-2022-Minem/DM, published this Sunday in the newspaper El Peruano, the transfer of S/ 250,000 was approved in favor of the Regional Government of Ancash to be allocated exclusively to the Regional Directorate or Management of Energy and Mines, or organic unit or body acting as such, for the strengthening of the comprehensive mining formalization process.
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While by RM No. 266-2022-Minem/DM, the transfer of S/ 540,000 to the Regional Government of Arequipa was authorized to be assigned to the Directorate or Regional Management of Energy and Mines.
In addition, through RM No. 267-2022-Minem/DM, the transfer of S/ 130,000 was made to the Regional Government of Ucayali.
Through RM No. 268-2022-Minem/DM, the transfer operation of S/ 200,000 was established in favor of the Regional Government of Pasco to be allocated exclusively to the Directorate or Regional Management of Energy and Mines.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Energy and Mines approved the transfer of S/ 200,000 to the Regional Government of Tacna through RM No. 269-2022-Minem/DM.
For the Regional Government of Tumbes, the transfer of S/ 100,000 was authorized through RM No. 270-2022-Minem/DM.
The different regulations indicated that it is established that the terms and obligations of the financial transfers are provided for in the Cooperation Agreement for the strengthening of the Comprehensive Mining Formalization Process celebrated between the Minem and the regional governments.