IGP-M registers 0.97% deflation in October

MEI contribution will rise to R$ 66 in February

As of February, the approximately 14 million individual micro-entrepreneurs (MEI) registered in the country will pay R$66 to contribute to Social Security. The increase, of 8.91%, follows the readjustment of the minimum wage, which went from R$ 1,212 last year to R$ 1,320 this year, as stipulated by the Budget.MEI contribution will rise to R$ 66 in February

The readjustment will apply only to tickets due from February 20th. This month’s quota, which expires on January 20, will continue to be paid at the old amount of R$ 60.60.

For MEI truck drivers, who contribute more to Social Security, the contribution will increase from R$ 145.44 to R$ 158.40.

The values ​​take into account the likely issue of a provisional measure, in the coming days, which raises the minimum wage to R$ 1,320. So far, the minimum wage for 2023 is set at R$1,302, as per edited provisional measure by the previous government in mid-December.

On Friday (6), the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, said that the minimum wage “will be paid normally” when asked about issuing the provisional measure that will set the amount at R$ 1,320.


Self-employed professionals with a simplified tax and social security system, individual micro-entrepreneurs pay 5% of the minimum wage per month to the National Institute of Social Security (INSS). MEI walkers contribute 12% of the minimum wage.

The remainder of the monthly contribution varies according to the field of activity. Workers who carry out activities related to commerce and industry pay R$ 1 more in relation to the Tax on the Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS), administered by the state where they live. Professionals who perform services collect R$ 5 more in Tax on Services (ISS), administered by the municipality where they live.

By contributing to the INSS, individual micro-entrepreneurs are entitled to old-age retirement, sick pay, maternity pay, prison allowance and death pension. In addition, the Federal Revenue provides a National Register of Legal Entities (CNPJ) to MEI, which can issue invoices and obtain credit with special conditions.

The monthly payment slip of the MEI Simplified Collection Document (DAS-MEI) can be generated in the Entrepreneur Portal. Installments are due on the 20th of each month.

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